If you’re an adult who has ever experienced the pain of a migraine, you know just how terrible it can be. As adults, we are able to communicate these issues, call out from work if necessary, and perhaps take some time to lie down in a dark, quiet room to try and sleep it off. But, what happens when migraines occur in kids? This actually happens more often than you might think. According to the Migraine Research Foundation, half of all migraine sufferers have their first attack before their 12th birthday. Research has also shown that approximately 60% of kids who suffer from migraines will continue to have attacks past the age of 30.
When it comes to caring for children, many parents are actively seeking out natural alternatives. Traditional migraine treatments, for both adults and children, rely heavily upon medications. These medications are aimed at treating the various symptoms of a migraine episode, including nausea, and the pain of the headache itself. These medications are great at providing temporary relief, but they don’t come without risk, and they, unfortunately, do nothing to address the root cause of the condition.
To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and migraines download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.
A Natural Treatment Alternative
More and more parents are bringing their children into our practice for upper cervical chiropractic care because of our gentle and specific approach. We specialize in assessing and correcting misalignments of the topmost vertebra of the spine. It’s especially important to have children who suffer from migraines checked for this type of misalignment. When the atlas misaligns, it can compromise normal blood flow between the head and neck, and can interfere with normal brain-body communication, leading to headaches and migraines. Because of the shape and biomechanics of the atlas vertebra, it is particularly susceptible to misaligning. Because kids will be kids, falls on the playground and injuries on the sports field can be to blame.
If your child is suffering from migraines and you’re looking for a natural solution, then upper cervical chiropractic may be exactly what you’re looking for. Restoring normal atlas alignment and normal body function with a specific, gentle atlas correction can be the key to reducing or even eliminating migraines for good.
- Migraine Research Foundation. Migraine research foundation. [homepage on the Internet]. 2015 Available from: http://www.migraineresearchfoundation.org/Migraine%20in%20Children.html
- Elster EL. Upper cervical chiropractic care for a patient with chronic migraine headaches with an appendix summarizing an additional 100 headache cases. J Vert Sublux Res 2003;AUG(3):1-10.
To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Crowder call our McKinney office at 972-562-0674. You can also click the button below.
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